Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Self-portrait inspiration: part 2

I chose these images because they stood out to me. The black and white typographical self portrait is amazing. This is a self portrait made of only text. I remember creating a self-portrait like this before; it takes a lot of time and patience. I was intrigued by the second image because of the different sides to it. It looks like the artist was trying to represent the different parts of her. And show the world that she is a complex individual made up of many layers. I decided to create my self portrait using the simplicity of black and white and red, and also have two half self-portraits make up a whole unified composition. Representing the fact that there are different sides to me.


  1. I am so impressed by the first image you choose as an inspiration. It is incredible how realistic this artist was able to make their face. I can only imagine how much time was put into creating this work. I would like to try to make an image completely out of type. This style really interests me since I have a graphic design background.
    I agree that it looks like the artist is showing the layers of herself by creating several layers of the painting. I am drawn to the bright colors and different textures of this work. It looks as though there is thread going around the face. I like how this work has a handmade feel to it.

  2. I really like the self portraits that you chose for this assignment. I haven't made one like the first one, but it definitely seems like painstaking work, especially because of the intricacies of the characters. The second self portrait reminds me of a Mardi Gras mask. It reminds me that there are several layers to everyone and that nothing is as it appears on the surface. I like the complexities of both of these portraits!
